Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 4
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume 4 (1993).iso
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File List
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ZipMail File List
The following files are of a temporary nature, and are used to update
the system from time to time.
║ ║
║ system.str system.dbf structure ║
║ pathes.str pathes.dbf structure ║
║ ║
ALL USERS must install the following files.
They must reside in the \zipmail directory.
Note that some are self-creating.
║ ║
║ ║
║ codelist.dbf Required database file ║
║ codes.dbf Required database file ║
║ names.dbf Will be created if it doesn't exist ║
║ namestat.dbf Required database file ║
║ system.dbf Required database file ║
║ pathes.dbf Will be created if it does't exist ║
║ ║
║ zipmail.exe The master program (type zipmail to start) ║
║ zmailidx.exe The Indexing and Font overlay program ║
║ ║
║ zipmail.lib Required for non-laptop users ║
║ ║
║ letters.zip contains letters dbf and dbt file ║
║ printers.zip contains printer databases ║
║ ║
║ Note that the last 2 files will only be ║
║ unzipped if they do not already exist in your ║
║ directory (to avoid overwriting your old ones. ║
║ ║
Optional programs:
║ ║
║ EZEDITOR.EXE Editor for mailmerge mode ║
║ EZEDITOR.DOC Editor documentation ║
║ ║
Optional Files:
║ ║
║ ZIP_DBF.ZIP from Exec-PC BBS (414) 789-4210 allows ║
║ automated addition of city/state (if given ║
║ durring ADD mode. Also provides a cross ║
║ reference of zip codes and cities. The price ║
║ you pay is a minimum of 2Mb of disk space. ║
║ ║
║ ZMAIL_LJ.ZIP For LaserJet users. Adds a number of font ║
║ capabilities and label formats. ║
║ ║
║ EZEDITOR.ZIP contains an excellent Wordstar-like editor that ║
║ creates ASCII files compatible with ZipMail. ║
║ ZipMail, too, has an internal word processor ║
║ written by: ║
║ ║
║ Frank R. Genus, Jr. P.O. Box 503, ║
║ South River, NJ 08882, Voice/Fax (908)390-1672 ║
║ ║
║ SLPRO.ZIP Superfunction demonstration program ║
║ ║
║ SuperFunction not only demonstrates Garry Prefontaine's ║
║ excellent Clipper library, but it allows the ZipMail user ║
║ to create and manipulate his/he own databases (at his own ║
║ risk, of course). (It's called SUPER.EXE) ║
║ ║
║ ║